All our games pass testing through our tester team. But we also motivate and reward all our users in case if you found a Bug/Abuse.
Found a Bug? System Abuse?= We are ready to pay for it.
Simply disclose and describe it to us= get your reward.
1.Primary Bug/Abuse= 2$ (2kk coins):
Any minor bug, abuse or mistake
2.Junior Bug/Abuse= 5$(5kk coins):
Any middle lvl Bug/abuse that leads to broken user experience, incorrect logic, technical mess
3.Senior Bug/Abuse= 10$(10kk coins):
Any bug or abuse that possibly leads to unfair obtaining of coins or multiplication of it.
*All reports must be submitted in English through our Telegram chat
*All reports must be attached with screenshot/Screen video recording with detailed explanation of the problem
**Reports that already been submitted for same exact issue.
*Reports that related to issues with user’s device in specific.
*Reports for bugs/abuses that may cause several issues by same source logic problem