Ok guys for these two days there been a lot of emails and DMs related to errors,email verification, withdrawal problems, exchange of gifts etc…

Let us explain everything in this post to let you understand what happened and what are our next steps as well as support u bit how to solve some of the issues.

1. ERROR during withdrawal and web down status.

1.1 Web down status-Some of you experienced that web/app/Games could not be opened properly these two days-There are two reasons:

*We were making changes related to the bug that been announced in our previous post here:

*After a deep review of the problem with the bug we found one more issue-Someone was making DDOS attack from a side of pusher channel that also caused web down (FIXED ALREADY, web work much faster now)

*There is one more problem caused by DDOS attack that still we cant detect the source that’s why every 1-2 hours web/app/games can’t open.

1.2 ERROR while withdraw – Some of you experienced this error while making withdrawal from games to your lott-games balance or other form of that when it just keeps loading, but nothing actually happens, these are the reasons:

*Withdrawals over 100k coins at once-Some of you realized that when u try to withdraw over 100k coins at once it gives u ERROR but when u try to do it below 100k it goes through-It’s a problem of our code that we missed during testing, for withdrawals below 100k it works fine.(FIXING IT- MIGHT TAKE SEVERAL DAYS and would require you to do FORCE UPDATE of the games in the future)

*ERROR even with withdrawals below 100k coins- Even when web/app/game is in active status some of you experienced this ERROR- it’s Because of web down status API (Due to reasons mentioned in 1.1) does not get response from server so that’s why it gives u an ERROR. This problem has random behavior cos we never know when web goes down. In a simple word-when u login the game server is active but at the time when u try to withdraw coins the server may be down at that moment already (If server is active at the moment withdraw below 100k must go through smoothly). So this issue and behavior of the app will continue as long as the server goes down-so the problem will be solved when we detect the last point of DDOS attack. (FIXING IT)

FAQ and Advices to this point:

*Don’t withdrawal coins from the games till we finish all tech issues and release new versions of the game with official announcement.

*Can we still play games just to earn coins and withdraw them later when everything is ok with SERVER?- No- better don’t cos we are not yet sure how we will act with some of the users that intentionally used bugs to abuse system, so we don’t want you guys to claim us as a scam for the time you spent playing the games. Just wait for us to fix everything.

2. Email verification problem

2.1 Some of the users reported lost of their Verification email, there are several reasons of that:

*You inputted wrong email(With a mistake/mistype) add during registration and still use wrong email to log in the games/apps. Check your Lott-games registered add and see if there are some mistakes-This is the most common reason why emails do not come to you
*Your Email went to spam folder. It’s common for emails of Gmail, yahoo.
*Some users who register through games (NOT Main web/App of lottgames) think that they will get email notification automatically. No it does not work this way. To get link of verification you have to log in your account through main web/app and system will offer you to request a link by push notification / or go to your profile and click request a link.

We checked several times to this issue and everything works just fine.

FAQ and Advices to this point:

*If you still experience this issue, pls contact our support with a request to do re-registration of your account (All coins of Lott-games account will be moved to your new one, all coins from the games you have to withdraw before sending request to us)
Send your request here:

3. Bug of multiple withdraw

3.1 Some users realized that after attempt with ERROR withdrawals later their Lott-Games account has more coins than it should to be. This issue related to API and withdrawal button, so each time you guys try to withdraw coins, and it gives u an ERROR in fact API sends request to the server but because server is down (Mentioned in point 1) it does not process your request, but once server goes live all of those times u clicked on withdraw button= multiple requests. So server balancing you more coins than it should balance because of multiple requests.

Some bad users, aware of it and intentionally abuse this bug to get more coins
On another hand, some users not aware of it so when they see ERROR they try to click again and again on withdraw button that causing more requests and multiplication of coins on the side of main Web/App

We truly believe that the biggest part of our users are honest people and even if they have some abused balance it’s all due to acknowledge of this issue.

The combination of issue in point 3 + point 1 makes it impossible for us to check who really abused the system and who earned their coins fairly. If we close our eyes on this issue and let everyone exchange their coins for gifts its unfair to our side but on another hand if we simply cut all balances from users it will be unfair to you guys. We know how hard you guys playing and breaking records and how much time you spend for it- that’s why we are thinking of a way how to make it fair (TBA soon)

3.2 Deduction of the coins from user balances-some users realized that their balances been deducted by admin. It’s all because we were not prepared for such issue and did not know the workflow of the bug and how to act in such situation.So at that time any suspect of multiple coin withdrawal caused our SHOP moderator to deduct balance of users.

FAQ and Advices to this point:

*I earned my coins fairly but u deducted it why?- as it’s been mentioned already It’s impossible for us to check but don’t worry we will come up with a solution to make it fair for everyone.

4.SHOP and gift exchange

4.1 Some users reported that their request for gift exchange been canceled:

*When we detected bug/abuse of the system, we did not have enough time to investigate who earned coins fairly and who abused the system. So all request been canceled.
*Some users tried to apply for gifts even without having enough balance for it- that’s why your requests been canceled.

4.1 Some of you realized that shop page does not open or even if it does-it brings you back to the main page. It’s all because we DISABLED shop for period of fixing all issues to prevent those guys who earned coins by abuse way.

FAQ and Advices to this point:

*Can I apply for gift exchange now?- NO
*When shop will be back to normal and I can apply for gifts?- TBA soon, up to now there is no confirmed time, but it will be back for SURE.

So guys in general you just have to wait and be patient, that’s all.
We are not scams, and we are here not to fool you guys. We are a fresh project that spends much more money (for ads, Workers salary etc) than we actually earn right now.

With love Lott-games
Facebook: @Lottgames
Instagram: @lott_games

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