Hi there!

So let’s be short about everything and go straight ahead to main points.


We got over 1800 requests for gift exchange, all of them will be processed according to our solution that been mentioned in our previous announcements.

Our common time of processing is 72 hours, but because of the gap related to tech issues before current amount or requests over our human resources. So total time of processing may increase, but we will try our best to do it within 72 hours since your request been sent to us.

Start from today, shop is closed, and you won’t be able to send requests till we open that again.


  1. I can’t access the shop, it always brings me back to main page-We closed the shop, we gave 48 hours for all users to claim their prizes and we think it was more than enough. If you got late-we are really sorry, but there is nothing we can help you with.
  2. WHY my PayPal payout on HOLD, Can you release it?- WE don’t know and it’s not related to us. Money deducted from us! (PLS WE BEG YOU! don’t text email of the sender, you won’t get reply)
  3. I got my prize in less value than i applied, WHY?- Pls refer to our previous posts. It may probably happen because you applied not according to your group/ Your balance had too many abused coins


We are still working hard to fix all bugs that appeared after implementation of new “KING OF HILL” functionality, as well as some other minors ERRORs.

Some bugs are really problematic and require total reset of the system that will erase the database of users and balances. We tried our best to find a way around it to save users and their balances, but up to now it seems to be the only way.

So we will put the whole project for TECH holidays, Main platform, SHOP, Lottery and games won’t be accessible.


  1. When Lott-games will back?- we don’t know, but we will be back for sure. Just stay tuned.
  2. My games always ask for update, but there is NO UPDATE- It’s because we disabled the games, so it won’t allow you to log in the game and will ask you for update (BUT ACTUALLY THERE won’t BE ANY UPDATE)
  3. What will happen to my balance on main app? We will reset the whole system, so all balance will be probably erased as well.
  4. What will happen to my account? We are not sure, but it also may be erased

We know it’s a bit sad to hear, but we want this project to be perfect and we really were not ready for such huge flow of users.

Furthermore, we are very glad to all of our users, especially those who abused our bugs, otherwise we would never know about them. So it’s time for us to work with our mistakes to bring a quality product to you guys.

We have global plans for this project and we won’t give up (its 100%). Our first priority to fix all bugs, abuse ways as well as we plan to ADD more games, more events and so on.


We appreciate your time and trust to us.

With love Lott-games.




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